Testing positive for Covid-19

I am writing this entry to let you know my wife and I have both tested positive for Covid-19 at the Urgent Care in Anaheim. After waiting in line along with what felt like hundreds of people this morning at the clinic, we were handed two papers with circles around “positive”. We both began feeling ill yesterday (Monday, December 28th), but we are doing okay! At first Jasmin felt like, “she got hit be a train” with a 100.3 fever and a heavy cough. My symptoms have consisted of chills, mildly throbbing headache, and overall fatigue….but nothing some DayQuil, Antibiotics, and Tylenol can’t help ease. To be honest, even though we are just hours into the quarantine, I am already antsy to get back to serving in the ministry I love.



Right now, I am especially thankful for Jesus and what He did on the cross to connect us to God the Father, even though I will not be able to physically be at church for the next 10 days, I will still be able to seek and serve Him, thanks to what Jesus did! Even though, I will be quarantined in my apartment with my wife, we can still worship our hearts out, study His word, fellowship by talking about Him with each other, and serve the body through prayer and things like this. In fact, I am not the first one to realize this, most of the new testament was not written at church, but by men locked down in prisons…and that is far worse than a ten day quarantine. All that to say, praise God that even though we are quarantined from church we are not from God or serving Him.



We will both be quarantined in our apartment and I will not be on the church campus for a minimum of 10 days. I will not return until the 10 days have expired from the first onset of symptoms, three days without symptoms and a negative test. I know 10 days is just 10 days, but in the years I’ve served at CCEA I have never been off campus for more than four! I am going to miss all my High School and Jr. High students for the time being, but in my absence from onsite work, I will still be able to work from home. I will record and produce a teaching from home which we will watch on Sunday, and I will also do some streams to interact with students.


Welcome to the Youth Ministry